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Q: What does deforestation mean for the animals living in the rain forest?
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What forest stuff is living?

If you mean living things in the forest some are trees, plants, and animals.

What is defoestation?

Do you mean deforestation? That's when a lot of trees in a forest (any type but generally when people say deforestation, they're talking about rainforests) are chopped down.

What is the definition of deforistation?

Deforestation is when the Forest is ripped up to make room for farm land or buildings. I personally hate how we treat this planet

Why forest important natural resources?

there is no importance of deforestation because it is destroying the environment. maybe you mean reforestation which means bringing back to life a destroyed forest which is you help prolong earth's life.

How does recycing help animals?

Less resources mean less deforestation, less global warming, and less landfill.

How does the dogs get to the forest in Warriors?

In the Warriors series, the dogs are often mentioned as being wild or feral, living in the forest independently or as part of a pack. They are not typically portrayed as domesticated pets but rather as wilderness creatures that have adapted to survive in the forest environment along with the other wild animals.

Does Pluto have animals?

If you mean Pluto, the planet that used to be considered a planet, then no, it doesn't have animals living there.

What does fen mean?

it means the pants and animals that live in the rain forest so yeah dats it

What does deforetation mean?

deforestation,cutting trees

What is a 8 letter word to mean animals living in nature?

The word is wildlife.

What does removing habitats mean?

It would mean taking away the living area that a wild animal has, ie to remove a forest and make buildings.

What is it called when living things are created from other living things?

some living things can be such as animals,cells,humans etc.You probably mean cloning