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Q: What does des magasins mean?
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What is games shop in french?

des magasins de jouets

What are stores in french language?

'un magasin' (masc.), pl. 'des magasins'

What is the French term for secondhand shopping?

to do secondhand shopping is 'faire les magasins d'occasion / faire les magasins de seconde main / chercher des produits d'occasion" in French.

What does les magasins mean?

The shops (US stores). Magasins implies large shops; small ones are boutiques.

How do I say do you like shopping in french?

i like shopping in frensh J'aime faire les courses/les magasins

What is shops in French?


How do you describe your town in French?

Mon ville est tres grand. Il y a beaucoup des boutiques et des magasins. Il est pres de la plage avec beaucoup maisons. Les gens sont tres gentiles.

How do you say the shops in french?

The shops are 'les magasins' or 'les boutiques' in French. Boutiques is often used for small shops like clothing outlets; 'magasins' fits any size of shops; 'les grands magasins' are large department stores.magasins

How do say stores in french?


What is 'favorite stores' when translated from English to French?

"Favorite stores" in English is les magasins favoris or les magasins préférés in French.

What is the gender of la magasins in French?

It is feminine.

What are the French words for shopping?

faire les magasins