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To prevent blood clots, aspirin reduces the stickiness of platelets. This helps prevent platelets from sticking to fatty deposits that build up in arteries.

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Q: What does disprin do?
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Related questions

Who manufacturers disprin?

Reckitt Benckiser produces Disprin.

What acid is in disprin?

well disprin is a type of aspirin and aspirin is mainly made up of salicylic acid which is derived from tree bark

What is the generic name for disprin?


Can disprin be taken in case of heart attack instead of aspirin?

DIsprin is a brand name of aspirin. It can be taken in case of heart attack.

What is disprin?

Disprin is a type of pain relief tablet, particularly suitable for the relief of mild to moderate pain. It is good for headaches, menstrual pain, toothache and also reduces inflammation.

What happens if 25 tablets of disprin tablets are taken at once?

effect of disprin lasts atleast for 6 hours.So , 25 * 6 = 150 hrs ..No headache till atleast 6-7 days. :D

What are the thinning blood pills?

Most cardiologist prescribe Aspirin/Disprin as blood thinning pills for Heart patient Cheers Sukumar

Is alka seltzer the same as DISPRIN?

Ya its same as dispirin . it also produce the carbon-dioxide gas which helps in aiding stomach or head aches....

Is disprin safe for heart?

aspirin is used to relieve many kind of minor aches and pains _headache ..some people take aspirin daily to reduce the risk of strok , heart attack.

Can a 6 year old take paracomal tablets?

I wouldn't recommend it - as for someone that age you'd need to half or quarter a tablet - which can never be accurate ! You'd be better off with junior disprin. It's specifically formulated for children.

How do you make aspirin mask?

first of all, i want to tell you about how aspirin mask work? aspirin contain acetylsalicylic acid also known as BHA. salicylic acid purify,exfoliate,prevent blemishes and acne, and makes baby soft skin. Aspirin contain other ingredient like calcium carbonate, anhydrous citric acid. salicylic acid is an active agent and rest are inactive agent. Now, aspirin found in 3 types- coated, non-coated and powder form. you should use non coated and powder form aspirin because it is soluble than coated. if you don't find these type of aspirin then you can use DISPRIN. it work same as rest. disprin is aspirin . so, you don't have to hesitate using disprin. how to make aspirin mask? ingredient list - aspirin/ disprin 2/3 tab. - drops of clean water. - honey/vitamin oil/aloe vera oil first you take 2/3 tablets of aspirin in cup. And then add some drop of water to dissolve it. wait for couple of minutes to dissolve. I use disprin bcoz it dissolve within 5 second. and then add some honey/oil. because aspirin dry out your face. after you mix it, clean your face with warm water and pat dry your face. apply the mixture of aspirin into your face and neck and then gently rub in circular motion for exfoliation and leave for 15 to 20 min. after 20 min again rub it gently for better result and then wash your face with clean water. now you can see the result your self. After washing you should use moisturizing cream. (necessary) trust me it really works. For better result i use aspirin in morning and mixture of lemon juice and rose oil to remove acne and more clear and glowing the face, if you have acne. THANK YOU

Does aspirin helps flowers live longer?

Aspirin makes the cut flowers bloom very fast but it kills them within a few days and they end up smelling really bad. Plain water preserves the plants longer and a lot better than the little packet that comes with them (the plant food.)