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It means that you don't go over-board on something. For example, instead of eating a large Pizza, you would only eat a couple of slices.

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Q: What does do everything in moderation mean?
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Related questions

When was Everything in Moderation created?

Everything in Moderation was created on 2005-11-14.

Is wine good for old people?

Yes, everything in moderation, including moderation.

What does the Greek expression medan agen mean?

"Meden agan " ( "nothing too much") means Everything in Moderation.

What is required for a balanced diet?

A mix of everything and by everything I mean carbohydrates, fibre, protein, vitamins even fat. All food groups in moderation is pretty much a balenced diet!

What bible verse reads everything in moderation?

Phillipians 4:5 reads, "Let your moderation be known to all men". However, the phrase you mention is best known in Greek culture, translated as "pan metron ariston", which means "everything in moderation".

What did Julia Child say about eating with moderation?

"Everything in moderation, I say - even excess! You can splurge every once in a while."

What is a sentence using the word moderation?

Always study hard and efficiently, but in moderation. Everything is good for you, but only in moderation.

What is a n important nutritional fact?

Everything is bad for you if you eat too much of it. Eat everything in moderation.

What does pending moderation mean?

Waiting moderation?If you submitted something to a website, and they need to moderate it.

What verse is everything in moderation?

The concept of "everything in moderation" is not specifically tied to a particular verse in religious texts. However, it aligns with the principle of balance, temperance, and moderation commonly found in various spiritual teachings and philosophies around the world, emphasizing the importance of avoiding excess and leading a balanced life.

What is mean of moderation?

With less intensity.

What fruits can a goat eat?

Stone fruit, apples, pears but everything in moderation.