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Q: What does drumming or tapping fingers symbolize?
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What is another word for tapping?

Drumming, Bumping, Pushing

How do you find a woodpecker?

Listen for the sound! Depending on the kind of woodpecker, you'll hear anything from a quick, light tapping to a loud, steady drumming. Then follow it.

What is Tapping of the body surface with the fingers to determine the density of the part beneath is called?


How can you tell if the person in the car next to you is listening to music?

lips moving, head bobbing, hear it, and fingers tapping

How is a physical examination done?

The techniques of inspection include palpation (feeling with the hands and/or fingers), percussion (tapping with the fingers), auscultation (listening), and smell. A complete health assessment also includes gathering information about.

What is African drumming?

"What is a drumming sound?" A drumming sound is any sound that keeps a beat.

How long do you have to stop drumming to get blisters?

You are getting blisters because you are allowing the srick to slip in your fingers. Work on your technique for the next few months while you play. Check out drumming websites for more info like The Pinch Pal or Tiger Bill or Drummer world for more on technique Peace

What might inspire someone to take up drumming?

If someone feels the pulse of the music - beats, rhythms and bass notes and is more likely to tap their toes and fingers than to hum the melody, they should consider taking up drumming and expand their inner rhythm sense to new horizons.

When was Drumming for Pistols created?

Drumming for Pistols was created in 2010.

What is the differences between African drumming and African drumming?


What is accoustic drumming?

drumming on an acoustic drumkit which is a normal drumkit

What can you assume about the mood of the narrator from these lines i sit at the window drinking pot after pot of weak black coffee drumming my fingers on the widowsill and chewing off the extra tiny?

the narrator is nervous