

What does duii mean?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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driving under influence of intoxicants

this term is only used in Oregon

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Q: What does duii mean?
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You had a DUI in Arizona and you moved to Portland will your insurance company find out?

Yes, and they may cancel your insurance if you do not disclose the DUII

Can a cop give you a breathalyzer on private property?

Usually yes. DUII is most often a crime whether or not you are on private property.

Is a traffic ticket in Washington a misdemeanor?

It can be, but most traffic tickets are infractions. Misdemeanor tickets are for serious offenses like DUII.

You had a DUI in Arizona and you moved to Oregon before the conviction Will your insurance company find out?

Yes. They will likely cancel your insurance if you fail to disclose your DUII because of insurance fraud.

Can you get a liquor license in Oregon with a duii?

It depends on how many you have, the length of time since the last one and your other criminal history as well as credit-worthiness. You must be considered to be of "good moral character" to get a license.

At which BAC does it make it illegal to drive?

While most states have a presumptive BAC limit of .08, you can be arrested and convicted of DUI/DWI/DUII or driving while impaired regardless of your BAC level. In general all that is required is that the officer believe that your driving is impaired.

Can a police officer take a minor to jail without calling the minor's parents for a non achole duii?

I'm not sure but I think that they would have to call the parent first and at least tell them that their son is being arrested.Added: They do have to notify the minors parent/guardian. BUT - in an arrest situation - NOT before they arrest them - only afterwards - to notify them of the minors whereabouts and charges against them.Additional: The question specifies a non-alcoholic DUI (Driving Under the Influence) which strongly implies a drug or hallucinogen-influenced DUI, which in itself may enhance the seriousness of the situation which the police faced and/or under which the minor was arrested.

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