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There are two kinds of ER. Rough, and smooth. Rough ER's ribosomes create all of the proteins secreted from cells and integral proteins and phospholipids are made there. Smooth ER catalyzes reactions involved with roles in the liver cells, testosterone-synthesizing cells, intestinal cells, and kidneys.

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Q: What does endplasmic reticium do?
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What is the function of Endplasmic Reticulum?

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What is the function of a endplasmic reticulum?

The true question is, what is the function of an Endoplasmic Reticulum? The answer is were the cell membrane is assembled and some protein.

Why does a eukaryote have that a prokaryote does not?

all the membrane bounded structure like mitochondrion endplasmic reticulum absent in prokaryotic while present in eukaryotic cell

Do ribosomes make the difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Im answering my own question and it feels awsome and the answer is yes it does because the ribsomes make the endplasmic reticulum rough and without the ribosomes it is a smooth endoplasmic reticulum. My name is Bob and I like pie.

What are some organelles?

Lysosome Nucleus Golgi body (or called Golgi apparatus) endplasmic reticulum Nuciolus Rough ER Smooth ER Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplast (plant cells only) Mitochodria (animal cells only) Ribosomes DNA RNA and a lot more I hope this helps

What is smooth endplasmic reticulum?

Endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle present in cells. There are 2 types: - smooth endoplasmic reticulum - rough endoplasmic reticulum The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface whereas the smooth one doesn't

What organelle folds protein?

proiens are synthesized in endplasmic reticulum by ribsomes and are folded in golgi bodies during forming phase

Which 2 structures are found in plant cells that are also found in animal cells?

Animal cell: Nucleus(except for red blood cell,etc) Cell Membrane Cytoplasm numerous tiny vacuoles More: lysomes,flagellum(tail like thing in sperms).rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) smooth endplasmic reticulum(SER), ribosomes Plant Cell: +cell wall +chloroplasts + large central vacuole - numerous tiny vacuoles -flagellum

What is the difference between rough endplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

Some parts of the ER have ribosomes attached to the cutoplasmic side of the membranes. This is called the RER (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum). These ribosomes synthesise proteins which are to be secreted from the cell, to form lysosomes or to become part of the cell surface membrane. Other parts of the ER have no ribosomes attached: SER. The cisternae (enclosed spaces in the membranes) of SER tend to be more tubular, in contrast to the flattened sacs of RER. SER has many different functions, including the synthesis of cholesterol and of steroid hormones such as testosterone and the breaking down of toxins such as drugs.