

What does equations mean?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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15y ago

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Equations mean a problem mostly in math

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Q: What does equations mean?
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What are some equations in math and what do they mean?

what does equation mean

What does equated mean?

Equations mean a problem mostly in math

What does equational mean?

Equations mean a problem mostly in math

What situations can best be modeled by literal equations?

literal equations? maybe you mean linear equations? Please edit and resubmit your question if that is what you meant.

What are some complex equations for 17?

Complex equations? Do you mean complicated equations whose solution is 17, - or equations with complex (non-real) coefficients or solutions? If you can explain, please resubmit your question.

What does the answer 12 equals 12 in a system of equations mean?

It probably means that one of the equations is a linear combination of the others/ To that extent, the system of equations is over-specified.

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means motion of equation

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When two line graphs are crossing what does it mean?

It means that the coordinates of the point of intersection satisfy the equations of both lines. In the case of simultaneous [linear] equations, these coordinates are the solution to the equations.

What does it mean for a system of linear equations to have no solutions?

It means that there is no set of values for the variables such that all the linear equations are simultaneously true.

What does decreased mean in equations?

It means subtract or minus or less

What do the letters mean in algebraic equations?

The letters in most algebraic equations mostly represent the value of the number or often at times the gradient.