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Evolution tells us that, biologically, we can chnage characteristics to suit our environment and overcome adverse habitats. In relation to evolutionary psychology this would indicate that the mind also adapts to its environment and can ultimately change. Also, if we did evolve from chimps then how did the mind come into being? what sort of adverse environmet would lead to the evolution of such a complex, and seemingly uneccessary application? Evolutionary psychology is needed to answer these questions and to discover whether the rest of the animal kingdom has a mind.

ANSWER Evolution suggests that traits leading to survival and successful reproduction should over time outnumber and overwhelm other less useful traits. This is expressed physically in things like effective immune systems, manual dexterity, or physical size, speed, and strength. Some psychological traits (or instincts, or "inclinations") that would encourage survival and successful reproduction and the furthest continuation of one's own genes might be lack of sexual attraction to siblings, preference for young, strong, healthy mates, or a sense of camaraderie to defend your family group against outsiders, and human proclivity towards nurturing their young for many years.

The first answer sounds shaped by Lysenkoism evolutionary theory, where the will to adapt to the environment effects genetic expression. Essentially, it's like a plucked chicken laying eggs that hatch featherless birds. That theory was proven unsound and caused and exacerbation of the Soviet Union's agricultural crisis in the 1930's.

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Q: What does evolution tell us that suggests a need for evolutionary psychology?
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