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Q: What does excess fluid result in?
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What condition result from an excess amount of tissue fluid?

The term used for excess fluid in tissues is edema. The more complete name is lymphedema and is usually the result of the lymphatic system not being able to move lymphatic fluid from tissues back into the blood stream, which results in the 'bloating' associated with it.

Is excess fluid on the spine dangerous?

Excess fluid on the spine can be dangerous. The excess fluid on the spine can be dangerous because it is close to the brain stem.

What are symptoms of edema?

In general, weight gain, puffy eyelids, and swelling of the legs may occur as a result of excess fluid volume

How is edema treated by doctors?

The three "Ds"--diuretics, digitalis, and diet--are frequently prescribed for medical conditions that result in excess fluid volume.

Why is rest needed after lipo?

Not getting enough rest can result in increased swelling of the surgical area. Such swelling is a result of excess fluid and blood accumulation, and generally comes from not wearing the compression garments.

How does one siphon excess transmission fluid out of a 1995 Dodge Neon?

Put a small hose in the dipstick tube, and suction out excess fluid.

Picks up excess tissue fluid called edema?

atriovacural fluid

What is the accumulation of excess fluid in a tissue?


What was most directly a result of excess of excess crop production?


What to do if brake fluid is too high?

Use turkey baster to suck out fluid or rag to absorb excess fluid

What conditions result from excess fluid in the abdomen?

Digestion is hindered; blood flow is slowed. Pressure upward on the chest from fluid-filled organs compromises breathing. The kidneys function poorly in the presence of such external pressures and may even fail.