

Best Answer

Expired candy is look like a that is a colour is changed and its stick some white bacteria.

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Q: What does expired chocolate candy look like?
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How do you make white chocolate candy look like it has confetti in it?

put confetti in it

What is a candy gum or candy bar that starts with the letter 'U'?

There are U-No's that are a type of candy. I had to look this up for a science project. U-No candy bars can be purchased online from a site called Old Time Candy ( They also sell Unicorn Pops candy.

Chocolate bars which start withe the letter L?

Look candy bars are a chocolate bar. They begin with the letter L.

What type of cloud look like cotton candy?

Cumulus clouds look like cotton candy.

Is there such a thing as healthy candy bars?

It is fairly established that dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants which are heart healthy and good for your mood, so anything with dark chocolate is going to be healthier than regular milk or white chocolate. If you don't like dark chocolate then look for candy bars that have a lot of nuts in them, such as snickers. At least this way you will be getting your protein. Avoid candy bars filled with nouget caramel as these really have no redeeming value whatsoever.

Which type of clouds look like cotton candy with flat bottoms?

Cumulus clouds look like cotton candy.

What does the candy house look like on panfu?

it looks like a real house but it is made out of candy

What does candy mountain look like?

It looks like a pink mountain with lollipops and candy pieces stuck to it.

What do some candy look like?


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it looks like chocolate fudge

What does the e look like when you look into the microscope?

It loooks like you took a peice of candy and sucked it!!

What kind of drugs look like candy?
