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Q: What does explanation writing mean?
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What explanation text mean?

it tells you a explanation about something and people who are interested in it will read it.

What does explanation text mean?

it tells you a explanation about something and people who are interested in it will read it.

What addition mean in writing?

it mean to write a expository writing

What is a explanation for diction?

it is a style of speech or writing so far as it concerns the choice of words and phrases

What role does writing play in society?

It's a source of either entertainment, information, expression or explanation.

What does it mean if a boy who has to sit next to you steals your ruler and writes on it?

He either is a bully and vandalizes on girls' things or people like you.Another explanation can be he likes you and he is writing a note to you. It really depends on what he wrote and what it said.

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Strength mean in writing is what have u secesss

When writing is described as creative writing what does this mean?

The writing is imaginative

How do you write letter of explanation for misconduct?

Writing a letter of explanation for misconduct should involve explaining in detail the events, how they happened to transpire and what is learned from the experience. A sincere apology will also be in order.

What does explanation mean?

It is a noun that means 'a meaning or interpretation'.