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Q: What does exponential mean in comparing degrees of effect?
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Can computer solve exponential function?

Do you mean "equations involving exponential functions"? Yes,

What does exponential form mean in math terms?

A number is in exponential form when it is written with a base and an exponent.

What you mean by GB?

how it is and comparing it

What does it mean to write a product in exponential form?

exponential form means writing your answer using an exponent. ex: 1300000= 1.3 X 10^6

What does compare and comparing mean?

to watch and then fix

What does it mean to evaluate the exponential expressions?

It means to find the numerical value of the expression.

What does exponential form mean?

to make numbers into exponets like 12x12x12x12x12=125

Which distribution function has equal mean and variance?

The exponential distribution and the Poisson distribution.

Which is the exponential form of log8 x 3?

If you mean: log8(3) then it is 0.5283208336

How do you know if an equation is exponential?

Basically, in an exponential expression (or equation) you have the independent variable in the exponent. For example: 5 times 10x The general form of an exponential function can be written as: abx or: aekx where a, b, and k are constants, and e is approximately 2.718. Note that just having a power doesn't mean you have an exponential equation. For example, in x3 the variable does NOT appear in the exponent, so it is not an exponential expression.

What does cuadrados mean in spanish?

It means "squares" (equilateral rectangles, or exponential powers of 2).

What does this question mean - Evaluate the exponential expression?

"Evaluate" means to calculate - find out what value it has.