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Q: What does famela bush in English mean?
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What is famela of bachelor?

An unmarried woman is a spinster.

Is George Bush of Irish or English ancestry?

George Bush has English ancestry. His paternal lineage traces back to Samuel Bush, who immigrated to the United States from England in the late 19th century. His mother, Dorothy Walker Bush, also had English ancestry.

What is the difference between boush and bush?

Boush is not an English word and bush is.

What is bush in French?

"Bush" in French is translated as "buisson" or "fourré."

What does Bradshaw mean?

Bradshaw is an English name it means broad thicket which is just fancy fancy talk for big bush.

What is the bush bush in Pakistan?

There is a lot of dog in Pakistan bush bush mean junior and bush senior both in Amrica bush mean cat cat and dog both are enemies of one another

What is the Luhya word for the English word bush meat?

The African Luhya word for the English word 'bush meat' is "inyama ya mwiswa".

What languages does George W. Bush speak?

George Bush is fluent in English only.

What is president George W Bush's ethnicity?

President Bush's nationality is American.

How to ask which number of presidents were George Bush in grammatically correct English?

Tricky little question. If you mean what places in the sequence of Presidents were occupied by someone named George Bush, it is correct as it stands except that "which" should be "what" and President should be in the singular. The answer, of course, is "41 and 43." If you mean "How many Presidents were George Bush" say it that way. The answer is "Two."

What president is after George Bush?

Barack Obama, if you mean the George Bush that just stepped out of office. But if you mean the first George Bush, it is Bill Clinton.

Is Bosch an English surname?

its German meaning bush