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Giraffes reproduce. in the same way as cows and horses and dogs and people and they have the same reproductive organs , suitable tailored to fit a giraffe.

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Q: What does female giraffe genitalia look like?
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Does the male giraffe look after the young?

No, only the female giraffe looks after its young.

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It seems incredible, but they look like giraffes.

What does a baby giraffe look like?

A baby giraffe looks like a smaller version of an adult giraffe. If in the first few minutes of the birth, the baby giraffe will be rather wobbly as it tries to stand. It is important that the baby is soon able to walk and run along side their parents, as there are many predators in the wild.

How do you describe what a giraffe looks like?

look at the giraffe

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Dogs have visible genitalia. Take a look.

Is there a word for something that looks like genitalia but is not?

Something that looks like a penis would look phallicwhereas something that looked like a woman's genitalia would look either vulvic or vaginal.

What does the skeleton of a giraffe look like?

Like a giraffe...that hasn't eaten in a few years...

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What does the seahorse look like?

It depends on what type of seahorse it is. If its a giraffe seahorse then it should look kinda like a giraffe.

Can a mustang horse be male and female?

Yes but it's normally called a hinny. Most hinnies look the same as mules but a small proportion look very much like horses and a similar number look rather like donkeys. Mules can bray like donkeys but hinnies can't. The only sure way to tell a mule from a hinny is to have it karyotyped.

What does mal giraffe look like?

Like a ca-mall

Why does a giraffe look like it does?

Christian awnser= Cause God wanted it to look like that.