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Fibromyalgia causes muscle pain and stiffness. It can also aggravate Arthritis. It causes inflammation. There are certain pressure points that hurt worse in fibromyalgia patients than in others who simply have injured or pulled a muscle. These areas are prominent in the upper arms.

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Fibromyalgia hurts all over. It often is described as a deep ache all over the body. It can also feel like shooting or tingling pain. The pain sometimes goes away and comes back. In severe cases, the pain can be so great you can barely move.

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Fibromyalgia does not directly impact the lungs. However, Fibromyalgia pain affects the entire body including the lungs. A common co-existing condition with Fibromyalgia is Costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the ribs causing chest pain. This pain can make you feel like something is wrong with your lungs, or even like you are having a heart attack. If you have chest pain that comes on suddenly you should get checked out immediately.

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. A diet for fibromyalgia would be a diet that could help reduce pain and help the sufferer live more comfortably. You can check out this website for more information:

Why are pregabalin and methylcobalamin capsules used?

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Can over weight affect fibromyalgia?

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Fibromyalgia in children?

In the US, most often people are diagnosed with fibromyalgia in middle age, and the prevalence of diagnoses tends to increase with age. With things like fibromyalgia anyhting is possible though

Is leg pain a symptom of fibromyalgia?

Leg pain is in fact a symptom of fibromyalgia. however, having leg pain does not necessarily mean you have fibromyalgia, it could be a symptom of many leg-related problems.

What are some common symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Common symptoms of fibromyalgia include generalized body pain, headaches and difficultly sleeping. Onemay also feel stiff and achy or have trouble with balance.

Do you get pain in your ankles from fibromyalgia?

do you get pain in your ankles from fibromyalgia -yes, all the time. I also have it in my back, legs, feet, arms, and I get migranes.

Can Cipro cure fibromyalgia?

No, there are currently no cures for fibromyalgia. Only ways to ease the pain.

How did fibromyalgia get its name?

fibro=fiber or appearing like fiber mya= muscle algia=pain