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No, there are currently no cures for fibromyalgia. Only ways to ease the pain.

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Q: Can Cipro cure fibromyalgia
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Can cipro cure viral infection?

No it can not.

Can Fibromyalgia can be cured?

At this time there is no cure for Fibromyalgia. However, some have found that they can improve their symptoms through a variety treatments.

Can Fibromyalgia be cured?

At this time there is no cure for Fibromyalgia. However, some have found that they can improve their symptoms through a variety treatments.

How long does fibromyalgia last?

Mine was diagnosed in one visit. There are certain pressure points that are very sore in Fibromyalgia patients. By detecting pain in these points and other symptoms, a diagnosis is often very simple to diagnose.

Are there any cures for fibromyalgia?

Sorry to say there is not a cure for fibromyalgia the only thing that can be done is medication prescribed from a doctor to help relieve the pain. A very hard thing to deal with.

Does cipro cure uti or bladder infections?

It may do so. contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Are fibromyalgia vitamins good for you?

Fibromyalgia is not a vitamin, it is a disease. It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints. There is no cure and doctors do not know what causes a person to develop it. It causes chronic pain, so no, it's not good for you.

What is the use of medicine milnace 25 tablet?

This medication is used to improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia. The drug will not cure the disease but only help with symptoms.

Is there a fibromyalgia diet?

There is a belief that diet can be the cause of the problem. But certain foods can make the condition worse. It once was also believed that spinach made you stronger, carrots gives you better eyesight, and spicy food gives you ulcers. Now there is some truth to these old wives tales like carrots are good for your eye site but will not improve it, Spinach will not make you stronger although it is good for you, and spicy food will not give you ulcers although it will aggravate them. I know they will find diet has little to do with fibromyalgia also. There is no diet to CURE fibromyalgia. Autoimmune technologies has recently found fibromyalgia patients to have an increase of anti-polymer antibodies. What this means is as clear as why those with Lupus or Rheumatory arthritis have an increase in certain antibodies but it is for sure that diet will not cure either of those diseases either.Just like there being some truths in the old wives tales listed above there may be some truths in diet helping or hurting those with fibromyalgia. Diet will not cure the disease, but someone eating unhealthy is not going to help the many symptoms that Fibromyalgia patients endure. A healthy diet may help with the irritable bowl syndrome, dizziness, sleeplessness, and possibly in some incidents the pain.For anyone to state that diet can cure or cause fibromyalgia is both inconceivably naive and inconsiderate propaganda. It has been an on going battle to get the medical society to accept fibromyalgia at all. They once believed it was all in the head of hypochondriacs, a scape goat for druggies, mental disorder/sleep disorder. This is a disease that there is no known cure. It is hard enough to get friends and families of the FM sufferers to understand the disease without spreading propaganda that diet and exercise can CURE fibromyalgia. [this is not to the poster but to the many sites spreading this lie] There is no known cure and finally after so many years there is now a blood test so those who suffer can get the medical attention they need. So yes just like with cancer, lupus, MS or any other disease there are aspects of exercise and diet that can make a fibromyalgia sufferer more or less comfortable but unfortunately a cure, is not so simple.Go to for more information on the test.

Is cipro a narcotic?

No. Cipro (ciprofloxacin) is an antibiotic.

What is Cipro XR?

Cipro extended release tablets

Where can I find more info on fibromyalgia pain treatment? ... Holistic Healing