

What does flow of food mean?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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Q: What does flow of food mean?
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All food chains flow of energy start from the sun.

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One of the factors that need to be considered when organizing a food service establishment is the flow of the food. Another factor is customer flow. A third consideration is flow of dirty dishes.

What is food flow?

Food flow is a common eatery and restaurant term. It is a way to explain what happens to food from when it's ordered by customers to when it reaches the customers table.

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Fluere - to flow

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Which way do the arrows point in a food web and what do the arrows show the flow of?

The arrows in a food web points from a food source to the organism that eats it. It shows the flow of energy from organism to organism.

Why do you show energy flow in a food web instead of a food chain?


What does circular flow mean?

Circular flow means the pattern in which goods,services,and resources flow in the marketplace.

Why is the flow of energy in a food chain like a pyramid?

because its a pyramid with a food chain

How is the flow of energy through a community different from that of matter?

When an animal eats a plant as food, both energy and matter are passed from one organism to another in a food web. Unlike the flow of energy in a food web, however, the flow of matter is not one way. Matter cycles within a community.