

What does gamete (1N) mean?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does gamete (1N) mean?
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Related questions

How does a haploid gamete get a 1n number of chromosomes and a 1n amount of DNA?

By the process of meiosis.

One gamete is formed during what process?

The cellular chromosome number is reduced from 2N to 1N.

What does 1N mean in algebra?

1n=n 1xn if n mean 64, n=64, 1xn=64,1n=64

What does zygote and gamete mean?

A gamete is a sex cell: an egg or a sperm. A zygote is a fertilized egg cell.

How many chromosomes will an organism have in its body cells if the gametes contain 25 chromesones?

Mostly likely 50. Most organisms are diploid (2n), gametes are haploid (1n). If there are 25 chromosomes in the gamete, 25x2 = 50.

What are the possible gametes for AAA AAA?

A gamete is haploid (1N) so 'Aa' & 'AA' are diploid and during cell division (mitosis) gametes are formed and then 2 gametes merge together to make a diploid (think of sperm and egg, each is haploid or 1N, when fertilization occurs the egg and sperm form 1 cell that is 2N or diploid). So the possible gametes for 'Aa' would be 'A' & 'a' while for 'AA' the only gametes possible are 'A' If the question is asking what the possible gametes are for 'AaBB' the haploid (gamete) can be 'AB' or 'aB'

What is 1n in fraction form?


Each gamete gets one gene from each trait?

Each reproductive cell (gamete) is 1N (the haploid chromosome count) which means it has a single allele for a genetic trait at each gene locus...this is based on the assumption that the trait is controlled at a single site. Polygenic traits, those controlled or modified at more than one locus, will have multiple alleles for a trait.

When did albert Einstein get his last diploma?

1n 1901 1n 1901

What is the Result of a male gamete fertilizing a female gamete?

The result of a male gamete fertilizing a female gamete is a zygote.

If 2.2 picograms of DNA could be extracted from a certain number of human muscle cells about how many picograms of DNA could be extracted from the same number of human gamete cells?

Since human body cells (like muscle cells) contain twice the amount of DNA present in human gamete cells, roughly 1.1 pg of DNA can be expected out of human gamete cells

What does segregated mean in mendels law of segregation mean?

allele pairs segregat during gamete formation