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Refers to people who do not fit within the traditional 2 gender role of Male or Female. This may be someone who feels they have some of both genders or someone who feels they have no gender.

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Q: What does gender queer mean?
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How do you use Queer in a sentence?

Queer, like, wierd queer? That would be "That's a queer drawing!" Or queer, like, gay queer? "You're really queer!"

What is a gender queer?

It's someone who does not feel internally that they identify with either gender. Sex is hard wired, gender is too. But just like you can get ambiguous genitalia and chromosomal abnormalities in sex typing, you can get people who just don't feel male or female. People are going to have male parts or female parts or both that determines their gender role in society. But on the inside they don't identify as a male or a female. They feel as though they don't have a gender at all. Sexual relations are difficult because these persons do not get arroused due to the balance between male and female. Much more isn't known about gender neutral / gender queer persons as of yet, but we are still learning about this difficult lifestyle.

How do you spell queer?

There is no E on the end of 'queer'. Otherwise you are correct.

What is a queers?

The word queer has traditionally meant "strange" or "unusual," but currently it is also often used in reference to gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and asexual communities. Its usage is controversial and underwent substantial changes over the course of the 20th century. The term is still considered by some to be offensive and derisive, and by others simply as a re-appropriated term used to describe a sexual orientation and/or gender identity or gender expression that does not conform to heteronormative society.

What is queer in a sentence?

He is a little queer in his ideas an enthusiast in some branches of science.

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no heather is a gender queer but biologically female

What is the Q in LGBTQ?

The Q in LGBTQ stands for queer or questioning. Queer is an umbrella term used to encompass a variety of sexual orientations and gender identities outside of the traditional norms, while questioning refers to individuals who are uncertain or exploring their own sexual orientation or gender identity.

Dont you think that demitri aleksjav is a queer boy?

Yes! Defo! What a gender bender!!

How do you say queer in french?

In French, the word "queer" is often translated as "non conformiste" or "hors norme," which generally convey the idea of expressing one's sexuality or gender identity outside of societal norms. However, it's worth noting that language evolves, and the use of the term "queer" can vary depending on cultural and personal contexts.

What is a queer male?

A queer male is a male-identified person who does not conform to traditional societal expectations or norms related to sexuality or gender identity. This term is often used to describe individuals who identify as gay, bisexual, pansexual, or another non-heterosexual orientation. Queer males may also embrace diverse expressions of masculinity and femininity, challenging traditional notions of gender.

What does QS on a prescription mean?

Queer sort

What does To be in Queer Street mean?

To be in debt or bankrupt

What does El Joto mean in spanish?

The queer

Are their any gender-queer characters in mainstream American superhero comics?

"Gender-Queer" by meaning Gay, yes, there is quite a few. One example would be Kate Kane, the current Batwoman is a lesbian. There are many more including Northstar of Marvel Comics Canadian based group Alpha Flight.

What does schwul mean?

Schwul = queer, gay, homosexual

What is LGBTQ?

people who feel attracted to the same gender romantically, and people who change their body's gender, I say their body's gender because you need to understand the people who transition are basically trapped in the wrong body until they transition.

How do you use Queer in a sentence?

Queer, like, wierd queer? That would be "That's a queer drawing!" Or queer, like, gay queer? "You're really queer!"