

What does giga hertz mean?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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15y ago

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The hertz, named after Heinrich Hertz, is a measure of frequency. It means cycles per second. In mathematical terminology its 1/s or s^-1. Giga is the same standard SI prefix meaning 10^9. So 1 gigahertz is 1,000,000,000 (cycles) per second. The FCC has a 'hole' in the frequency spectrum opened up for 'free range' use around 2.4 GHz. This is why most all modern devices you see operate in this range. A good general overview of frequencies is over at wikipedia.

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Is 1 Giga byte same speed as 1 Giga hertz?

no it's not, no normal computer is able to reacj 1 giga hertz of speed anyway, only supercomputers

What is more a 300 MHz processor speed or a 2.08 GHz processor speed?

2.08 GHZ would be the faster speed. MHz =Mega Hertz HGz =Giga Hertz 1 Giga Hertz = 1000 Mega Hertz

How many hertz in a gigahert?

giga is the prefix for billion.

Is Hz higher than MHz or GHz?

No. Hz is the basic unit. MHz is "mega hertz," and mega means 1,000,000. GHz is "giga hertz" and giga means 1,000,000,000.

What is the measure of frequency?

Hertz is the measurement. A Mega and a Giga is the unit of measurement of a Hertz.

What is the basic unit for measuring CPU?

Ghz (Giga-hertz)

How many GB in ghz?

Giga-byte (GB) is a unit of memory size while Giga-Hertz (GHz) is a measure of frequency, there is no conversion factor.

Is processor core frequency measured in gigahertz?

Yes,its right the frequency is measured in GIGAHERTZ like you read 3.2 gHz that is giga Hertz. The Usual unit is Hertz but like we add mega,giga,tera to define a large quantity.

What is the cooralation between Gigi-bits per sec to Giga-hertz per sec?

Giga means 10^9 (10 to the power of 9) or 1,000,000,000 (1 billion). Gibi means 2^30 (2 to the power of 30), or 1,073,741,824. So those are almost the same. The reason for the later is that computers really like to use base-2. Gigi doesn't mean anything, maybe you meany gibi or giga. A bit is the smallest amount of information a computer can think about. A byte is 8 bits. Giga-hertz per sec is a meaningless phrase. Hertz is a term that basically means "cycles per second", so if you say your computer has a 2.4 GHz (gigahertz) processor that means it takes 2,400,000,000 steps per seconds. But to add "per sec" after hertz is wrong because hertz already means that.

What is the measurement of frequency of a system bus and CPU?

The frequency of activity on a motherboard is measured in megahertz (MHz), or one million cycles per second. The processor operates at a much higher frequency than other components in the system, and its activitiy is measured in gigahertz (GHz), or one billion cycles per second.

What is larger giga hertz or mega hertz?

well the list of prefixes are as following in the "10 system" (metric length and so on) deka- hecto- kilo- giga- tera- peta- exa- zetta- yotta- In the binary system (bytes, hertz) deka and hecto are not used. So after gigahertz is terahertz then petahertz and so on Only missed "mega-" in the listed base 10 order of power. It goes ...kilo- mega- giga-... deka = 10 hecto = 100 kilo = 1,000 mega = 1,000,000 giga = 1,000,000,000 tera = 1,000,000,000,000 etc.

How fast is a gigahert?

There is no such thing. A giga*hertz* is 1 000 000 000 ("one billion") hertz, i.e. 1 000 000 000 electrical or electromagnetic cycles in a second.