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no it's not, no normal computer is able to reacj 1 giga hertz of speed anyway, only supercomputers

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Q: Is 1 Giga byte same speed as 1 Giga hertz?
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How many mega bits are in 2.5 giga bits?

Multiply that by 1024 to get 2560 megabits. Note that a bit is not the same thing as a byte. A bit is an eighth of a byte.

What is the cooralation between Gigi-bits per sec to Giga-hertz per sec?

Giga means 10^9 (10 to the power of 9) or 1,000,000,000 (1 billion). Gibi means 2^30 (2 to the power of 30), or 1,073,741,824. So those are almost the same. The reason for the later is that computers really like to use base-2. Gigi doesn't mean anything, maybe you meany gibi or giga. A bit is the smallest amount of information a computer can think about. A byte is 8 bits. Giga-hertz per sec is a meaningless phrase. Hertz is a term that basically means "cycles per second", so if you say your computer has a 2.4 GHz (gigahertz) processor that means it takes 2,400,000,000 steps per seconds. But to add "per sec" after hertz is wrong because hertz already means that.

What unit do you get when you multiply hertz by meters?

You get a speed. If the 'Hertz' is the frequency of a particular wave, and the 'meters' is the wavelength of the same wave, then their product is the speed of that wave.

Which is faster 2GHZ or 5MHZ?

2GHz is faster then 5 MHz. Removing the Hz part of it which means Hertz. a G in computer terminology is Giga and a M in computer terminology is Mega Now put it together. Gigahertz Megahertz. in computing a byte is 1024 peices of data. their is 1024 bytes in a kilo byte and 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte and 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte. it's the same thing with hertz. Hope that solved your question

What does MHz and GHz mean?

MHz and GHz are a measure of frequency. In science frequency = 1/time for one cycle. If a wave takes 0.5 seconds to complete a wave, the frequency is 2 Hz. MHz and GHz in computers measure the same thing. It measures the frequency of the processor (ie, how many cycles it completes in a set time) again, if each cycles takes 0.5 seconds, then your computing speed is 2 Hz. a GHz (giga hertz) is equal to 1000 Mhz (mega hertz) a MHz is equal to 1,000,000 Hz. how is mhz and ghz is measured?

What does giga hertz mean?

The hertz, named after Heinrich Hertz, is a measure of frequency. It means cycles per second. In mathematical terminology its 1/s or s^-1. Giga is the same standard SI prefix meaning 10^9. So 1 gigahertz is 1,000,000,000 (cycles) per second. The FCC has a 'hole' in the frequency spectrum opened up for 'free range' use around 2.4 GHz. This is why most all modern devices you see operate in this range. A good general overview of frequencies is over at wikipedia.

How many documents can you get in a giga byte?

Its depend upon your document size or type,If you want text document then more than 10000.if you want images it around same.........,its too you not need to worryyyyy...

What is the speed of 1000 waves travels 300 meters with 200 hertz?

Speed = frequency x wavelength. 200 hertz = 200 waves per second. These 200 waves will have a speed of 200*300 = 60,000 m/s The 1000 waves will have the same speed but it will take 5 times longer to travel the 300 metres.

Does 220-Hertz or 440-Hertz move faster?

220 hertz is faster, because the higher the frequency, the lower the wavelength. The wavelength directly correlates to the speed so therefore the object moving at 220 hertz is significantly faster. Not quite. The question is not about moving objects but wave speeds. The formula is velocity = frequency x wavelength, but for any given wave motion through a given medium, its velocity stays constant. Therefore the wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency alone. So a 220Hz signal travels at the same speed as the 440Hz signal, in the same medium.

What is the unit hertz used to mesure?

Frequency. Hertz is the same as cycles per second.

Who invented electromagnetic waves?

Heirich Hertz. Maxwell theorized that light and electricity were the same based on the speed of electric waves and light waves. Hertz actually created the electromagnetic waves and demonstrated their light like behavior. This demonstration confirmed Maxwell's prediction.

Does a 220 hertz sound wave move faster than speed as 440 hertz sound wave?

No. All sound waves in the same air move at almost exactly the same speed. If different frequencies moved at different speeds, then live orchestras, choruses, and bands would be impossible ... sounds from different instruments or voices would reach the audience in the seats at different times. It would be a mess.