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glas with a long a

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Q: What does glass mean in french?
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Related questions

What does verre mean in French?

Verre means 'glass' in English.

What does un verre de mean in English?

literal translation is 'drink a glass' but it means 'drink something'

Can I put stained glass windows on French doors?

If your French doors are single glazed there is no reason why the glass cannot be replaced by stained glass. This you can do yourself or a carpenter could probably do it for you. However, if your French doors are double glazed, you cannot replace one side of the glass yourself. In order to have stained glass in double glazed French doors it would be necessary to buy new French doors with the stained glass already in place, or purchase the stained glass double glazed glass unit and either fit it yourself or have a tradesman do it for you.

Is the French word for a glass masculine or feminine?

A glass is translated by "un verre", masculine noun, in French.

What is the word for glass in French?


How do you say green glass in french?

verre vert. French class

How do you say wine glass in french?

wine glass is " verre de vin " in french language j'aime le vin ! I like wine !

How do you say icecream in French?

Ice cream in French is la glace.une crème glacée, une glace (NB glace can also mean ice)

What does Je you leve a in french mean?

I suppose it is je vous lève mon verre. I'm raising my glass for you. (in the purpose to cheer)

How do you spell ''a glass'' in french?

'un verre'

How do you spell glasses in french?

A drinking glass is 'un verre'. The glass (material) is le verre / du verre (masc.) in French.

What does demie in mean in french?

'demi' is the half of something, as in six heures et demie (6:30). It can also mean a 25 cl glass of draft beer.