

What does got jits mean?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What does got jits mean?
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If you got a std from my boyfriend does that mean his cheating on me?

sexually transmited dissease! umm...probablly!..but..who knows! :)

What does it mean when someone asks you how many bodies you got?

They want to know how many people you've had sex with.

What does mode median and mean mean?

Well, there are many questions i have to answer to y'all so just chill I'm gonna answer it in 5 minutes just chill don't be afraid cause I'm not gonna ea y'all so if you'll excuse me i have to go to the bathroom cause i haven't been to the bathroom when i got here.I got here since five minutes a go so the answer to your question is MEAN MEDIAN AND MODE

Are the mean and median always nearly equal?

No, not always. Sometimes they are equal. Sometimes they are close to each other, but not exactly the same. Sometimes they are very different. It depends on the numbers that are being used to calculate the mean and median. The way each is calculated is different. The mean is got by adding all the numbers and dividing by the amount of numbers. The median is got by arranging the numbers in order and finding the middle value in the list, if there is an odd amount of numbers, or the value half way between the two middle values when there are an even amount of numbers.

Does an average of 90 percent mean that in a class of 92 that have had a higher than 0 percent and half had a lower than 90 percent?

No, 90 is the average only. For examle if in a class of 5 say 4 got 100 and only 1 got a 50, then the average is 100+100+1010+100+50 all divided by 5 = 90 average; but 80% got higher than 90 and 20% below 90.