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It means that a person performed so far above the needed marks in school, that they are specifically recognized for their excellent work.

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Q: What does graduating with distinction mean?
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How old was martin luther king when he graduating?

graduating? Did you mean graduated? O.o lol xD

What does 'distiction' mean?

It is a misspelling of distinction. Try looking up distinction.

What does it mean the upper five percent of the graduating class?

The upper 5% of the graduating class belongs to the 5 best in the batch for every 100 graduating students.

What does distinction mean in a college diploma?

My college in NJ granted on your diploma "with distinction in ", if you had a 4.0 in your major.

What does it mean to graduate as a seal bearer?

Graduating as a seal bearer typically means that a student has received an award or distinction for achieving a high level of academic excellence or leadership qualities. It may vary by institution or organization, but it generally signifies an exceptional accomplishment in one's academic or extracurricular pursuits.

What does graduate training mean in the US?

I believe it would mean further training after graduating from a university.

What does distinction of bearing mean?

The way someone comports themselves.

What does common-looking mean?

Having no special distinction or quality

What does the prefix val mean?

The prefix "val" means "worth". As in "valedictorian" which means someone who is worthy of graduating and has a speech.

What does kudo mean on myspace?

It is sort of like a praise.Example: Hey Brendalynn , kudos to you on graduating collage. (Something of that sort)

What does it mean to dream about not graduating high school?

Its just your anxiety. You worry yourself to much about not graduating. Sometimes you might fall asleep thinking about not graduating and that then occurs in your dreams. Most of the time dreams can be the total opposite to what is actually going to happen. Just think positive and you wont have to worry about a thing. Faith without works is dead.

How is the next phrase said Graduating as a Chemical Engineer or Graduating from Chemical Engineer?

graduating with a degree in chemical engineering graduationg with a chemical engineering degree