

What does grass give energy?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What does grass give energy?
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Does grass give energy to a snapping turtle?

Yes It is their food so it have to give them ENERGY:)

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the grass will give it energy to jump faster and higher.

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They eat food,go potty, have babies and play

How does grass help animals?

Grass helps animals by giving them energy. It is part of the food chain. For example: The sun gives energy to the plant which gives energy to a herbivore which gives energy to a carnivore which then decomposes into soil to give nutrients to the plant and then the cycle starts all over again.If there was no grass the would be no herbivores and if there was no herbivores then there would be no carnivores and then there would be no you and me! That is why grass helps animals.

What provides energy for grass?

Grass takes energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Therefore, the sun provides energy for grass.

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why is the grass greencomponents?

because sun gives off uv rays and it obsorbs to help give energy

What form of energy is in grass?

Grass contains carbon which was taken out of the atmosphere by photosynthesis using the Sun's energy. The grass can be burned to recover the energy as heat.

Lions and tigers need much less meat to give them the same energy as a horses get from much more grass why is this?

Because meat is dense in calories than the grass

What energy transformations take place when cows graze in a meadow?

Chlorophyll converts the sun's energy within the grass so the grass can grow. The, cows convert the grass into energy by digesting the grass.

How do food chains give a simplified view of the flow of energy?

Food chains give a simplifed view of the flow of energy because, for example if the grass eats fertilizer and a cow comes and eats that patch of grass and then humans come and we eat the cow the the energy from the fertilizer, the grass, and the cow all go into us because it was pasted down to the organisms that were part of that food chain. Hope it makes sence. :)

How does grass lose its energy?

Grass is eaten by herbivores plant. Hence, it loses the energy.