

What does gravety mean?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What does gravety mean?
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What is gravety?

the attraction by the earth

Whats earths gravety?

frsgdfsgfdfsdsytdwwtwds frsgdfsgfdfsdsytdwwtwds

If you go in space you grow bigger?

True because there is know gravety holding you down

What factors can destroy your liver?

kinife, gun, RPG, energy sword, lightsaber, gravety hammer, jonny depp anything harmful

Is there gravity on Mars less earth?

Yes. The effects of gravety on Mars are less than on Earth. Mars has 37.6% of Earth's gravity.

Gravety on Mucery?

Yes there is gravity on mercury all matter has gravity regardless how small it is mercury is smaller then earth and has less gravity as a result.

Does the Earth have gravety foce?

Yes. All planets do. If no gravity is present on earth, if you jump you'll go on forever straight into the sky and space.

Why do eclipses affected the tide?

becase tides are caused by the gravety pull of the Sun and the Moon and during an eclipse these pulls are lined up perfectly.

Why moon don't have gravety?

The moon has plenty of gravity. In accordance with its mass and radius, any object weighs about 16.5% as much on the moon's surface as it does on the Earth's surface.

How do you unlock cosmo on sonic riders zero gravety?

sorry, you can`t unlock cosmo she`s in sonic x but she is not in any game and she can`t be unlocked sorry

What does the solar system do for the planets?

The planets are part of the makup of the solar system. I guess you could say the sun provides light for the planets and gravety that holds them to the solar system.

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gravety flow