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Q: What does gravid 4 para 1021 mean?
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How can you tell when the female mollie is preagnet?

If it has ever been anywhere near a male it will be pregnant (Gravid). It is very difficult to get a virgin livebearer. They can be gravid at 3 or 4 weeks old.

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What does a red gravid spot mean?

the color of the gravid spot does not have to be could be red becuase 1.color of the mother 2.she is still in the early stages 3.there are only a few fry 4.the position of the fry(eyes=black body=red)

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Everything is always relative to the size of the fish. If you have a small, inbred fish of less than 2 or 3 inches, its gravid spot will be no larger than 1/4 of an inch just prior to releasing the fry. If the fish is larger than that, its 'spot' will be proportionately larger.

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What does gravida 6 para 3-1-1-4 mean?

6 pregnancies, 3 full term, 1 premature, 1 abortion (spontaneous or otherwise), and 4 living children.

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"Cual seria la respuesta para la ecuacion 4 x-7 4?" in English is "What would be the answer for the equation 4 x-7 4??"

What age are Platy fish at maturity?

They can be pregnant (gravid) at 3 or 4 weeks.

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Anywhere from between 4-60. Usually the the size of the female's stomach and gravid spot will give you an estimate. If it has been a month and the gravid spot is still somewhat small you can estimate a low amount of fry (guppy babies). If the stomach is looking like it is about to burst, you can estimate a ton of babies. Hope this helps. :)

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