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Follower(s) of one of the various groups of Hassidim, a type of very Orthodox Jews.

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How similar are Orthodox Jews to the Amish?

Hassidic Jews (as opposed to the broader class of Orthodox Jews) tend to wear black coats and pants and white shirts, and Hassidic men usually grow full beards and wear hats at all times. As a result, from a distance, they look similar. (I have a Hassidic friend who sometimes shops in an Amish general store, he enjoys the confusion.) If you look closer, there are some differences that those on the inside notice immediately. Hassidic Jews generally have a mustache and beard, while the Amish generally shave their mustache. Hassidic men usually have tzitzit (strings) hanging out over their pants from their undershirt (also called a tzitzit or tallit-katan).Another similarity is that both Hassidic Jews and Amish do not generally use birth control (aside from extended breast feeding, which does delay ovulation), and the result is very large families.Note that Hassidic women and Amish women are harder to confuse. Both dress modestly, but Hassidic women usually wear wigs or headscarves, while Amish women usually wear a doily on their head when not wearing a bonnet. Both are covering their hair in response to the same biblical commandment. Also, Hassidic women tend to wear brighter colors.

What is a zaddik?

A zaddik is, in Judaism, a righteous person, particularly a Hassidic spiritual leader.

What is a zaddick?

A zaddick is, in Judaism, a righteous person, particularly a Hassidic spiritual leader.

What actors and actresses appeared in Goyta - 2007?

The cast of Goyta - 2007 includes: David Benger as Hassidic Boy Abe Lebovic as Yoyli Agnieszka Podsiadlik as Mariola Faigy Salomon as Young Hassidic Woman Suzanne Toren as Mother

How are Hassidic Jews different from other Jewish Sects?

one major difference is that they have a 'Rebbe' a spiritual leader that guides them. Hassidic Jews also study chassidus, a more mystical and deep explanation on the Torah. see for more details.

Do children of ultra-orthodox Jews become ultra-orthodox too?

Of course, Hassidic Jews emphasize the fact that they raise their children as Hassidic Jews, but in reality, there is significant intergenerational flow, with some children of Hassidic Jews departing for other streams of Judaism, and with some children of Liberal Jews joining more Orthodox streams. This seems typically human. There is a similar intergenerational flow between Christian denominations.

What is a tzaddik?

A tzaddik (also zaddick or tsaddik) is, in Judaism, a righteous person, particularly a Hassidic spiritual leader.

What do ultra orthodox Jews do for work?

Ultra-Orthodox is not the preferred term, but I know a Hassidic Jews who is a semiconductor engineer, another who works in a meatpacking plant, a jeweler, and a deli owner. Many Hassidic Jewish men are rabbis, but there are not that many jobs for Hassidic rabbis, so they have day jobs doing other things. The man in the meatpacking plant does kosher slaughter. Another job is mashgiach -- that is, kosher supervisor. A Hassidic friend of mine travels around the upper midwest inspecting food-processing plants to verify that their product can legally be marked as kosher. He certifies things as varied as breakfast cereal and whiskey. (Why not ultra-Orthodox? Because observant Modern Orthodox Jews are no less Orthodox and because the things that make Hassidic Jews distinctive are not their degree of orthodoxy but rather, their distinctive social norms that set them apart from the larger community.)

What are strictly observant Jews called?

Orthodox Jews are strictly observant. Hassidic Jews are even more strict.

Is it proper for a Gentile to address a Jew in Hebrew?

If your Hebrew is fluent and grammatically correct , and you KNOW the Jewish person is also a Hebrew speaker, it's perfectly fine. In fact, I'm sure they would be pleased , usually. FYI , just in case, you know it's not good form for you to directly address a Hassidic Rabi if you are a woman, or for you to speak to unrelated Hassidic women if you are a man. I am very pleased you can share the heritage of this rich and diverse group .

What makes a Jew 'Modern Orthodox'?

Modern Orthodox Jews consider themselves bound by the 613 commandments in the Torah as understood by the unbroken rabbinical tradition from biblical times to the present. In this regard, they agree with Hassidic Jews. Modern Orthodoxy generally accepts the role of modern science and engages vigorously with the secular world. Where Hassidic Jews dress very distinctively and frequently minimize their contact with the secular community, modern Orthodox Jews are likely to blend into a crowd, with perhaps only a kippah (yarmulke) identifying them as Jews. Where Hassidic Jews view a yeshiva education as normal, Modern Orthodox Jews go to universities and graduate programs -- although significant numbers attend Yeshiva University, an Orthodox university.