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Q: What does hatshepsut think about the palace expense?
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Where was Hatshepsut's palace located?

deir el-barie

Was hetshepsut homeschooled?

In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.In a way you could say that she was homeschooled. As a royal child, Hatshepsut would have been tutored in the palace as were all other royal children.

What was the house pharaoh hatshepsut lived in called?

If you mean the Temple of Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Kings, then the name of it is Deir el Bahri. Although it is not her Palace it was built as Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple, which is a place for people to worship the dead King/Queen, to leave offerings, and where the priests performed a series of daily funerary rites.

What did Hatshepsut call herself when she dressed as a man?

Hatshepsut I think lol

What was the name of hatshepsut hometown?

The name of Hatshepsut's hometown was Thebes, which is located in present-day Luxor, Egypt.

What was the name of Hatshepsut's capital?

She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

What was the capital city of Hatshepsut?

She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

Where did king hatshepsut rule?

She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

Why you think Hatshepsut deserved to be pharaoh?

If Sam Brownback can be a governor, why shouldn't Hatshepsut have been a pharaoh?

Why is hatshepsut an historical figuare?

Hatshepsut was the daughter of Thutmose I and his primary wife Ahmes. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes. She was the first female who reigned an empire.

What great temple did Hatshepsut build?

She builds the Djeser-Djeseru. We know it as The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. It is located at Deir el-Bahri, The Obelisks of Hatshepsut and The Red Chapel. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.

Who did hatshepsut rule for?

Born circa 1508 B.C., Queen Hatshepsut reigned over Egypt for more than 20 years. She lived in the Palace of Ma'at. It was rectangular structure. The capital was Thebes, Amarna, and then again Thebes.