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Q: What does high levels of troponin mean?
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What does an elevated troponin T level mean?

Cardiac troponin levels are usually too low to measure. Elevated troponin T levels indicate that there has been some form of damage to the heart.Strenuous exercise can also temporarily elevate troponin levels for a brief time. The effects of a heart attack would keep troponin T levels elevated for up to two weeks.

What occurs when intracellular calcium levels are high?

calcium ions bind to regulatory sites on troponin

Troponin levels after a heart attack?

After the damage stop

What is a healthy troponin test result?

People without heart damage have troponin levels less than 0.5 ng/mL.

What substance's levels are elevated when cardiac muscle tissue is damaged?

Troponin and CK MB

What is the molecular composition of troponin?

Troponin is a major component of muscle tissue. It is composed of troponin C, troponin I, and troponin T. Troponin interacts with tropomyosin and myosin to create muscle contraction.

What does it mean to have different levels in drama?

It can mean how high your voice is.

What if your troponin level is 1.88 is that considered dangerous?

Type your answer here... the answer is yes. the cut off point is far less at 0.05 or less. ideally the levels should be virtually undetectable. there are a number of reasons for high levels, but to be on the safe side see your doctor imeadiatly for a full explanation for your high troponin level. if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, fatuige arm or jaw pain then call an ambulance. and chew a 300mg asprin imeadiatly after your call. please stay calm and your common sense will gide you. good luck. kind regards, john gleave.

What holds tropomyosin in place at rest?

troponin molecules.

What is a normal level of troponin in blood?

The theraputic troponin level is 0.00.

What does a high level of polymorphonuclears in the blood mean?

There can be many reasons for high levels of polymorphonuclears in the blood. The most basic reason for higher levels are do to stress on the body.

What is troponin testing?

Troponin testing is done to diagnose heart attacks (myocardial infarctions).