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Anthocyanins are used for food since historical times, due to their water soluble strong colors, which restricts the use, and are pH dependent. Many antocyanins are red at acidic conditions and turn blue at less acid conditions. The color extracted from several berries have been used to color many pastries, drinks and other food.

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What solvent can dissolve the betalains and anthocyanins?

Many betalains and anthocyanins are soluble in water.

What solvent can dissolve betalains and anthocyanins?

Many betalains and anthocyanins are soluble in water.

Are anthocyanins a natural additive in food?

Anthocyanins are natural antioxidants found in certain fruits. It is better to get these antioxidants in the diet than in additives in foods.

What makes a rose red?

Anthocyanins. Pigments that are decided upon in the hereditary of the plant (genetics/genome). The pigments are called anthocyanins, which are in the class of chemicals called flavanoids.

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Are anthocyanins kosher?

If it comes straight from the plant, then yes.

If you add ammonia to red cabbage juice what color will it turn?

Red cabbage juice contains a class of chemical compounds known as anthocyanins. The color of anthocyanin molecules in solution depends on how acidic or basic the solution is. In a strongly acid solution, anthocyanins will appear red. In a neutral solution, anthocyanins appear purple. In weakly basic solutions anthocyanins appear blue, while in strongly basic solutions they will appear green. In extremely basic solutions, the anthocyanins will appear yellow. Because ammonia is a base, spraying ammonia into a glass containing cabbage juice (which contains anthocyanins) will most likely turn green.

Are anthocyanins in beets since beets are red?

No - they contain betalins.

What is the Rf value of anthocyanin?

anthocyanins rf vlaue is o.95

What is the purpose of anthocyanins?

Anthocyanins is the pigments that give strawberries their characteristic deep red color, are powerful antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties which help protect cells from free radical damage.