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It means that theres more germs in your body than protection

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Q: What does infection in white blood cells mean?
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What does it mean when you have white blood cells in urine?

White blood cells are indicative of an infection.

What does it mean if you have white blood cells in your urine?

there is urinary tract infection

What does it mean to have pus cells more in a blood test?

It means that there is an infection somewhere. The blood carries the white cells to where they are needed.

What does it mean to have while cells show up in you urine?

White blood cells are usually not found in the urine due to the kidney. When there are white blood cells in the urine this if due to an infection. The kidney becomes inflamed and this allows the passing of white blood cells.

What does High white blood cell count and blood in urine mean?

Increased numbers of white blood cells in urine are usually a sign of a urinary tract infection or other renal diseases. White blood cells are a normal component in the secretions of the male and female genital tracts and can be present in normal urine with concentrations of 0 to 8 cells per high-power field. Some laboratories culture urine with >5 white blood cells per high-power field to rule out a urinary tract infection.

What do i have if you have if white blood cells are in your urine and it hurts to urinate?

Usually white blood cells (leukocyte's) are found in the urine at raised levels when an infection is present.

What does it mean to have a white blood cell count of 22000mm3?

A white blood cell count of 22000 mm3 is an elevation of white blood cells. This elevation of white blood cells could indicate infection or leukemia. When a test is not within normal limits, consult a physician as soon as possible.

Your white blood count is 15.3 what does that mean?

It is slightly elevated which could mean a number of things. If all of you counts hemoglobin, platlets are a little high you could have been a little dehydrated increasing the concentration of cells in the blood. It could mean you have a slight infection. White blood cells are your infection fighting cells. etc...

What does WBC count mean?

WBC stands for White Blood Cells. The count refers to the number of white blood cells in the body. In general, the lower the number of cells below normal the less able you are to fight infection. When the number rises above normal, that usually means you are busy fighting an infection. There are sub-types of white blood cells, too, each of which can rise and fall for various reasons. White Blood Count Is a result of 2.9 L x10^3/uL normal for a white blood cell test?

What can an abnormally high white blood cell count in urine mean?

White blood cells in the urine are an indication of an infection or inflammation in the urinary system. Generally, the number of WBCs is what determines the diagnosis. Pyelonephritis and urinary tract infections can both cause white blood cells in the urine.

What are the complications of low white cells with fever?

Your white blood cells help to fight infection. A fever is your body's response to kill infection by increasing it's temperature. All in all if you have a fever there is an infection present, to have a low white count on top of this can mean many things. Best thing to do is talk to your doctor.

What does Lymphocytes mean?

An elevated lymphocytes level means that you have a higher than usual amount of white blood cells called lymphocytes. Because these cells are used to fight of infection, people tend to produce more of them when they are ill.