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It means it is unpleasant and unfriendly place to be. For example, the desert is inhospitable because of its temperature and there is very limited water.

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Q: What does inhospitable environment mean?
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How can you put inhospitable in a sentence?

The word 'inhospitable' is an adjective used to describe a noun as a harsh or difficult environment; as an unwelcoming, unfriendly attitude.Example sentence: A person needs some knowledge and experience to survive an inhospitable desert.

What does inhospitable mean in biology?

I have no freaking idea.

How do you use the word inhospitable in a sentence?

The desert was inhospitable with its scorching heat and lack of water.

What does habbitat mean?

1. The area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs: a marine habitat.2. The place where a person or thing is most likely to be found.3. A structure that affords a controlled environment for living in extremely inhospitable locations, such as an underwater research laboratory

What is the prefixes and suffixes of inhospitable?

In- is the prefix. -Able is the suffix of inhospitable.

Which environment has the least wildlife?

The absolute minimum is in the cold deserts (such as Antarctica). The warmer deserts, while inhospitable, do harbor a significant number of species.

What are synonyms for the word 'hostile'?

unfriendly, antagonistic, bitter, hateful, inhospitable, unwelcoming, malicious, mean.

Can a woman kill her husband's sperm?

Birth control foam does it all the time. If you're asking if the woman can provide an "inhospitable" environment to the husband's sperm, yes.

Will anyone ever go to Venus?

It is unlikely, because the environment is inhospitable. However, there was a proposal to have a manned flyby sometime in the 1970's. Currently, there are no plans in place.

Why should you care about the environment?

In order for humans to survive longer. If the environment is ruined, the Earth will still turn and new animals will spring up. However, it could render the Earth inhospitable to humans, and could lead to our extinction.

What makes ecosystems cold?

At higher latitudes, there is less sunlight focused on it. This makes it colder. Winds can make an environment feel colder too, this is one of the reasons Antarctica is so inhospitable.

What does inhospitable?

"Not hospitable" is the obvious definition. Basically, if someone's inhospitable, they're not very kind or welcoming toward guests.