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Q: What does it feel like to get electrocuted?
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What does it feel like when males' penises get electrocuted under 2 seconds?

It kinda feels like a dull or burning pain. Now a shock on the balls feels like this intense vibrating feeling. Feels amazing

Whats the difference between electric shock and electrocuted?

Electric shock is to electrocuted as burned is to cremated. Electric shock is the same as electrocuted, except that electrocuted has actually induced death; to kill by electric shock.

How do you use electrocuted in a sentence?

Neila was almost electrocuted when her crock pot shorted out.

What is the difference between electrocuted and electrified?

Electrocuted means to be killed by electric shock. Electrified would actually be like making a wire or piece of metal or something of the like charged with electricity, but most people use the word the wrong way, and they mean it as: to be shocked.

What is the correct use of electrocuted?

Usually refers to a person or animal that has had or risks having electricity passed through it (usually unintentionally). "He just got electrocuted" "If you keep poking that you're going to get electrocuted" "The poor thing stepped on the third rail and was electrocuted"

Can spiders get electrocuted?


Why don't squirrels get electrocuted on power lines?

because they have an extremely good sence of balance, its like tightrope walkers.

Are your bodies good conductors of electricity?

Yes, because one time my uncle touched a low electrocuted wire and then touched one of his friends, and my uncle didn't feel it, but his friend did.

Do people scream when they're being electrocuted?

Yes, they could like anyone else who gets hurt in a horrendous way.

What are the sighne that you have been electrocuted?

You are dead.

Is this the right spelling electrocuted?


Can chinchillas be electrocuted?

Yes. Yes they can.