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Electrocuted means to be killed by electric shock. Electrified would actually be like making a wire or piece of metal or something of the like charged with electricity, but most people use the word the wrong way, and they mean it as: to be shocked.

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Q: What is the difference between electrocuted and electrified?
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Whats the difference between electric shock and electrocuted?

Electric shock is to electrocuted as burned is to cremated. Electric shock is the same as electrocuted, except that electrocuted has actually induced death; to kill by electric shock.

What material can not be electrocuted?

"Electrocution" refers to using electricity to kill a living thing. Any material that isn't living can't be electrocuted, because you can't kill something that isn't alive. Is it possible that you mean electrified, to charge with electricity. Inert materials cannot be electrified. Inert matertials include ceramics, stones, some metals.

Is the Mexican border between the US and Mexico electrified?

Not at all. It would be very expensive to electrify 3,141 Kilometers (1,952 miles) of border, not to mention the upsetting side effects (i.e: electrocuted people).

What happens when an insulator gets wet?

It will get electrified. If you touch it, you will be electrocuted. Electricity travels well in water. Don't ever touch water with an electrical cable near.

What is the verb of electricity?

Electrify, electrifies, electrifying and electrified are verbs.So are electrocute, electrocutes, electrocuting and electrocuted.Depending on the tense.For example:"I need to electrify the circuit"."We will electrocute the alien"."She electrifies the circuit"."The marine electrocutes the aliens""We are electrifying them"."We are electrocuting them"."They were electrified"."The murderer was electrocuted".

When was Electrified Funk created?

Electrified Funk was created in 1977.

An electrified rod attracts pieces of paper after a while pieces fly away why?

An electrified rod attracts the pieces of paper after a while the papers fly away because of the exchange of the charges between the rod and the pieces of papers.

When the body electrified?

bobo !

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What rhymes with objectified?


How do you use electrocuted in a sentence?

Neila was almost electrocuted when her crock pot shorted out.

What is the common difference between the tube light and CFL bulb?

regular light bulbs have certain elements in them, that when electrified, emit radiation in the infrared. this is why regular bulbs get hot. when we turn on the light we need light, not heat. that's why these are wasteful. they're producing all this stuff we don't need. CFL bulbs have elements that when electrified, emit mainly visible light, what we need. also why they tend to remain cool to the touch.