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The words "fair is foul" foreshadow Macbeth's opening line "So foul and fair a day I have not seen"

Also in a deeper sense we are given a clue that in this play nothing will be what it seems to be. People will look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it. The apparent murderers (the grooms) will actually be victims. Woods will move, and men not born of women will appear, which seems impossible.

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Q: What does it foreshadow when the Witches say fair is foul and foul is fair hover through fog and filthy air?
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What statements do witches and Macbeth make about foul and fair?

The expression suggests the themes of paradox, and of things not being what they appear to be.

Do witches float or sink?

they hover

How does Shakespeare introduce the idea of opposites being the same in Macbeth?

"Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover in the fog and filthy air."

What literary term is used in this quote Fair is foul and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air.?

This type of phrase is a juxtapose - an idea that contradicts itself.

What line echos 'So foul and fair a day I have not seen' from scene 1 act 1?

"Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air"

What does so foul and fair a day i have not seen mean in Macbeth?

What is significant is that it echoes the witches' line "Fair is foul and foul is fair; hover through the fog and filthy air", thus connecting Macbeth with the witches and showing how they anticipate what will happen to him. And of course both quotations talk about the moral ambiguity of what is and what seems to be in the play.

What do the witches describe scene 1?

In scene 1 of "Macbeth," the witches discuss their plans to meet Macbeth on the heath after the battle is over. They mention causing trouble for a sailor's wife and casting spells on a gentleman's chestnut horse. Overall, their dialogue suggests a malicious and sinister intent.

Fair is foul and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air?

The saying, 'Fair is foul and foul is fair,' carries the general meaning of 'things are all mixed up.' It is typically used to denote a situation where conventional moral rules or guidelines are being used or interpreted in a contradictory or even immoral way.

What is the list of vehicles that start with hover?

The list of vehicles that start with hover are: Hover ambulance Hover bike Hover bus Hover car Hover delivery truck Hover fire truck Hover garbage truck Hover ice cream van Hover jeep Hover limousine Hover mail truck Hover motorcycle Hover pickup truck Hover police bus Hover police car Hover school bus Hover taxi Hover train Hover truck and countless others

What is hover the collective noun for?

The collective noun 'hover' is used for a hover of trout, a hover of crows, a hover of hummingbirds, and a hover of helicopters.

How does Macbeth address the witches?

Macbeth addresses the witches with a mix of fear, curiosity, and ambition. He is initially skeptical but becomes intrigued by their prophecies, which ultimately lead him to make decisions that lead to his downfall.

How do crows hover?

They really don't hover well, but they do it by changing the angle of attack that their wings move through the air so that they direct thrust downward like a helicopter.