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One plate is usually subducted under the other forming a trench. The Marianas Trench, for instance, is over 30,000 feet deep. Underwater volcanoes may also be formed from the subduction, and they may continue to grow in height until they jut from the surface of the water.

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When oceanic plates converge, one plate is usually forced beneath the other in a process called subduction. This can create deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and even islands. The converging plates can also result in earthquakes and the formation of mountains.

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Q: What does it look like when oceanic plates converge?
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What will the earths plates look like in 150 years?

It is impossible to predict with certainty how the Earth's tectonic plates will look in 150 years. Plate movements are influenced by complex geological processes that are difficult to forecast accurately over such a long time span.

What happens when a continental plate collides with a continental plate?

When two continental plates collide, they can form mountain ranges through a process called continental collision. The intense pressure and heat generated during the collision can cause rocks to fold and deform, leading to the uplift of land and the formation of large mountain chains with complex geological features. Examples of such collisions include the Himalayas formed by the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate.

What are the 3 elements are the oceanic crust made of?

The three main elements that make up oceanic crust are silicon, oxygen, and magnesium. These elements combine to form minerals like basalt and gabbro, which are commonly found in oceanic crust.

Site of sea floor spreading?

Sea floor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are moving apart. As the plates separate, magma rises from the mantle to create new oceanic crust at the spreading center. This process leads to the continuous expansion of the ocean floor and plays a key role in plate tectonics.

Is north american plate oceanic?

The North American plate is primarily composed of continental crust, with some portions of oceanic crust along its boundaries where it interacts with other tectonic plates. Overall, it is considered a mostly continental plate.

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What are plates moving away from one Another?

When plates move towards each other it is called a convergent boundary. The two types of plates converging depends on what happens. When it is oceanic/oceanic, both plates subduct (go downward), leading to the creating of trenches found at the depths of the ocean. When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the more dense oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate, again creating trenches, and also leading to the destruction of the ocean floor. When continental plates converge, they tend to smash up and rise, creating mountains. When plates move apart, it is called a divergent boundary. When oceanic plates move apart, magma rises, cools, and solidifies to create new ocean floor. This, along with continental/oceanic convergence, accounts for seafloor spreading. When two continental plates diverge, the area left between them slowly turns into an ocean. For an example of this type of ocean, look at the Red Sea.

What are the main features of a zone of Divergence?

well that's easy just look up on divergent boundaries and it states the main features,which are two tectonic plates,ocean plates and mid-oceanic ridges.

What do the tectonic plates look like?

they are the giant plates underneath all the continents

Why are dinner plates round and not square?

Actually I have found dinner plates that are square. They look really cool. Anyway maybe when they were first designed they wanted it to look like a never ending circle of food. Answer I like square plates, but suspect that food stays on round plates better.

What does a plate tectonic look like?

its just like a cracked hard boiled egg the shell are the plates and the egg while is the mantle. the tectonic plates move on top of magma which is the mantle. they move due to convection currents which occur within the mantle the oceanic plates sub duct in to the mantle while the continental plates don't as they are not as dense. they basicly freeze and move sideways and then descend back in to the mantle again just very slowly. just like a massive jigsaw puzzle. if you get a hard boiled egg and crack it and wiggle it around it might become clear!!!

What does an Omega necklace look like?

An Omega necklace is made to look like a chain. It is however, constructed out of plates and not chain links. The plates are worked together in such a way that it gives the appearance of a chain.

Why does it look im fat when I sit down but when I stand up I look like I have abs beginning?

You look fat when seated because your mass tends to converge in one small area.

Why are volcanoes on the west coast?

Volcanoes are present on the west coast due to the tectonic activity associated with the Pacific Ring of Fire, where several tectonic plates converge. This convergence leads to the subduction of oceanic plates beneath continental plates, creating the conditions necessary for volcanic activity.

What is a ''plate'' in geological terms mean?

A tectonic plate is a piece of lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outer, rigid "shell" of the earth. A plate moves along the asthenosphere (layer below the lithosphere) and can be either continental or oceanic lithosphere. Volcanic activity and earthquakes are common at boundaries of individual plates.

What is something fun to do in a car ride?

well this is what I do look at licence plates and look where they are from..... 1 advise is only do this if you like the states or know them all :)

Would earth be different if its crust did not move and it lacked tectonic plates?

Its surface would look like that of the Moon, Mars or Mercury all of which do not have tectonic plates and a fixed crust.