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the head symbolises knowledge, Blood symbolises life- what keeps you alive, mouth is talking, smarting off to someone.

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Q: What does it mean Dreamed of being shot in the back of the head blood came out of mouth still alive?
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Why do teeth break after they are pulled?

When teeth are in your mouth, they are alive. There is saliva around them and blood flowing inside of them. When they are removed from your mouth, they dry out, and as a result of drying they are prone to cracking.

Where does oxygen go after being inhaled by mouth?

Oxygen after inhalation is absorbed by hemoglobin of blood in the lungs and from there it is distributed in the entire body through blood streams.

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you have to dod mouth to mouth so that if a person is not breathing then you pass air through your mouth to the other person's lungs to keep them ALIVE

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If a person is found dead and blood is by nose and or mouth is it possible death by embolism?

Yes, it is possible for a person to die from an embolism, which is a blockage of a blood vessel by a foreign object, such as a blood clot. In some cases, the pressure caused by the blockage can lead to bleeding from the nose or mouth. However, further investigation by a medical professional is necessary to determine the exact cause of death.

Can blood poar out of your mouth when you have mouth herpes?

Nope, I have it and never had that happen.

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What does it mean if I dreamed I had a mouth full of pins?

If a person dreamed that they had a mouthful of pins, it is quite possible that sometime during the sleep the person became very thirsty. The body subconsciously tried to tell the person they were thirsty, but the person did not fully wake up during the event.

Why does blood come out of your mouth when you die?

It doesn't unless there are internal injuries. If there is internal bleeding, especially in the lungs, the blood may come out of the mouth.

Mouth to mouth is or mouth to nose should normly?

its mouth to mouth when the oral cavity is not obstructed or there isn't blood for eg, but when the oral cavity is obstructed then is mouth to nose