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Q: What does it mean by informal care?
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What is take care in Slovakia?

if you mean translation: maj sa "j" read as "y". it means something like goodbye, but it is informal

What the meaning of informal care?

It means care from a relative or friend as opposed to care from a professional nurse, caregiver or health representative.

What is informal care?

Is care given to older people in their own home by family and friends on a voluntary basis.

What is a informal communication in health and social care?

The conversations between care givers that isn't recorded or written down.

Definition of informal carer?

An informal carer are people who provide unpaid care for family members, friends and neighbours or others who are sick, elderly or disabled.

What does mean collquial?

Colloquial= informal language

What does casusal mean?

"Casual" refers to something relaxed, informal, or not formal. It can describe a style of dress, an attitude, or an event that is not very serious or dressy.

What Does no eres mean in spanish?

You are not (informal singular)

What does 'informal handicapping' mean?

Informal handicapping, is a handicap we impose on ourselves, it is when we limit ourselves by some surrounding expectation that is not our own (i.e. peer pressure can be a informal handicap).