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it means to tame it so you can plant it where you won't it

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Q: What does it mean for a crop to be domesticated?
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Give an example of domestication of plants?

Nearly every crop in commercial production could be considered domesticated if by domesticated you mean bred for a specific purpose or to enhance a particular trait such as higher yield, drought tolerance or disease resistance.

Why do Mexico used corn?

They domesticated such crop, some 3000 years ago.

What was the first crop domesticated in mesoamerica?

The first crop domesticated in Mesoamerica was maize, also known as corn. Maize cultivation was a significant development in the region and became a staple food for many indigenous cultures.

What is a crop that was originally domesticated in southern Mexico at least 1200 years ago?

Corn or maize.

What was the first domesticated crop in 9000BC?

Wheat is the first cereal to be cultivated by man.

What does it mean when a hamster becomes domesticated?

domesticated means that an animals is kept in captivity

Where to turnips originate from?

Turnip is a root crop or root vegetable that grows in tropic or polar regions. The crop was domesticated in India before 5th century BC.

What does crash crop mean?

There is no such thing as a "crash crop."

Why is corn the major food crop in Mexico?

Besides the fact that maize (corn) was first domesticated in Mexico almost 3000 years ago, it is also a profitable crop, at least when compared against other cereals such as wheat and rice.

What was domesticated from wild species in more northerly subhumid regions of east Asia?

Millet was domesticated from wild species in more northerly subhumid regions of east Asia. It is a type of grass grown as a cereal crop, used both as food and animal feed.

what do you mean by crop variety?

Crop variety is the different crops that are grown in an area.

What do you mean by food crop?

Food crop is something that is grown, for example corn.