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Q: What does it mean for a definition to be subjective?
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Why can't art be defined?

Art is subjective, and everyone has to create his or her own definition.

What is the definition for subjective observation?

A subjective observation cannot be seen; it is an idea, thought, or opinion. If you cannot see it, feel it, hear it, or smell it, it is a subjective observation.

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it is a type of essay which expresses the personal viewpoints of the writer

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The definition small is somewhat subjective check out:

is there a single definition for art pick the best answer?

No art is subjective to each person to decide for themselves.

Does everyone have their own Definition of Love?

Good question. because love is a subjective emotion, by love's very nature everyone must have their own definition of it.

What does a subjective mean in science?

That depends on your perspective

What is the definition of subjective information?

Subjective information is based on personal opinions, interpretations, feelings, and perspectives. It is influenced by individual experiences and values, making it open to interpretation and not necessarily verifiable or universally accepted.

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That is entirely a subjective question therefore it has no definitive answer. It depends on what your own definition of moral and immoral is outside of what the more generalized definition is known to be.

Is there a single a single definition for art?

No, because art is subjective, and it's up to each person to decide for him or herself.

Why can't the question what is art?

Art is subjective, so there is no one definition. It's up to each person to decide for him- or herself what art is.

What does Eye Line mean?

a subjective shot showing what a character is seeing.