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it means that the girl really likes you. or some times a girl is playing hard to get.

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Q: What does it mean for a girl to tell you are been thought of?
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if shes pertending don't take her crap tell her that u thought she was ur friend and if not sucks for her!!! tell her if she had a life she wouldn't be in urs!!

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well if shes a confident girl then say you have something to tell her then if she is quite shy then tell her on a pieice of paper do this romanticaly or put some thought into what you say and how you say it

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Tell her you love her & actually mean it !

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that she probably doesn't like being thought of that way or that she already belongs to someone and that she is really faithfull with him. Or she just hates it when you tell her that.

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just forget about it if she did mean she'll tell you

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You've probably been pranked, a joke.

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She is probably flattered.

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She will tell you.When a girl tells you they love you they mean it. (: ~lawliet x