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A sign of intimacy, or he is just kind of strange.

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Q: What does it mean for a guy to ask a girl to lick his face?
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How do you ask a girl to lick there puissy?

you don't, you treat her with respect.

How to ask a girl out who likes you back?

Ask them to their face :)

How do you get a girl to sit in your face?

ask them I guess

Is asking out a girl difficult?

Nope. It just takes confidence and being brave. Asking a girl out face to face is always best because then she knows you mean it. Another thing is, if you get rejected don't feel bad. Just because one girl says no doesn't mean the next won't say yes. Also when you ask a girl face to face you get known as a confident person. Try to smile by the way, and ask her when it is, just you and her so she doesn't think it's a joke.

How do you convince a girl to fart in your face?

ask her

What should i do if i like a girl and once i have gone to her and told her that i love her and she says the first look your face?

you sould ask her what does she mean by that ... O.o

What does it it mean if you ask a girl who she likes and she says i kinda like you with that weird face text symbol?

She likes you but she doesn't want to admit it.

How do you tell a girl from a boy?

usually you can tell by their face. If not then if they have breasts they are usually a girl...USUALLY!!..if you still don't know just ask i mean c'mon it's common sense.

If a guy asks a girl out through a text?

It means the guy doesn't have the GUTS to ask the girl to her face. The proper way is to ask in person.

What does it mean when you ask out a girl and she relplies with with a smiley face?

she is most likely playing hard to get but then a again you might be a good friend

What does it mean if a girl ask out a boy?

it means the girl is fear less of somone saying no in her face you go girls for breaking tradion maybe it should be the girls Job if shes tired of waiting for him

How do you ask someone in a letter?

Do not ask out a girl in a letter. I repeat: DO NOT ask out a girl with a letter. it is much better to ask out a girl up front. this shows the girl that you are couragous and brave. asking a girl out in a letter shows cowardness. ask her out face to face. go up to her, at the end of the day, and say, "hey, do you wanna go out with me?" and hope for the best. if you absolutly have to ask in a letter, slip the letter into her bag or something, or her locker. be discreet. i strongly discourage h=that, but if you have to, be secretive.