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Q: What does it mean for an object to be aesthetically pleasing?
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2 What is does aesthetically pleasing mean?

Smells good

Can what you hear be aesthetically pleasing?

That is why we listen to music. It is something we hear that is aesthetically pleasing.

What sports are aesthetically pleasing?

Synchronized swimming ,

What is bad about a seawall?

It is not very aesthetically pleasing.

What does carved mean?

It can be defined as followed. produce an aesthetically pleasing design in hard object.

What is the reason for the new question page look?

Presumably to be more aesthetically pleasing.

How do you spell beautyifing?

The correct spelling is "beautifying" (to make more aesthetically pleasing).

Are Pella windows aesthetically pleasing as well as being functional?

Yes, Pella windows are aesthetically pleasing as well as being functional. They are beutiful, they save energy, and come with a 20 year warranty. But they are pricy compared to other windows.

What does it mean Bella femina?

"Bella femina" is Latin for "beautiful woman." It is a phrase that can be used to describe a woman who is perceived as being attractive or aesthetically pleasing.

How is the golden ratio beautiful?

It has been found to be aesthetically pleasing - in art, architecture etc

What makes a designed object aesthetically pleasing or eye catching?

Usually if it has a focal point. Art is what you make it. A design is pleasing to the eye if its colors follow a color scheme and if it is well planned out. In the end however its all a matter of opinion. You just ve to decide whose opinion matters.

What happens when a gloss paint dries?

A permanent glossy sheen appears that is aesthetically pleasing to nearly everyone.