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its probably just because of discharge is mixing with the blood, if not its just lighter, drier blood. nothing to worry about.

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Q: What does it mean if I'm having a very light period that is very dark blood?
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What does period blood look like?

Period blood can be light in color in the first couple days of your period, but it can also be very dark in color on heavier days.

Dark brown period blood what does it mean?

Dark brown period blood usually appears near the end of your period.

What causes light bleeding during period with dark brownish red colour?

Dark, brown menstruation may be a sign that it is 'old' blood. Sometimes blood stays in the uterus for a few days before your period 'starts' could be because it is a light flow or that the cervical opening is very narrow making it difficult for the blood to exit. Light flows and dark blood could also occur because of dehydration.

Dark blood in the millde of your period?

The blood from your period should be dark, not bright, red because it is "old" blood that the uterus sheds. It is also normal to see clots or lumps of blood during your period.

What does really light spotting but dark and thick blood mean if you have irregular periods?

Hello - This bleeding could be due to pregnancy or due to irregular period bleeding. See your doctor hun for a blood test. dark thick blood just means you have a bunch of hemoglobin in it.. Hemoglobin is the stuff that slowes the flow in your blood when you get a cut. A light period for irregular period women seems pretty normal.. if you have light cycles you could have a estrogen deficiancy.. I would see your doctor if you are trying to get pregnant and have not yet.

Is newer blood dark blood or light blood?

My blood colour is black

How do you tell when you are having your period?

You bleed from your vagina for anywhere from 4 to 9 days. The blood can be bright red and thin, dark red and "clotted", or a cross between red and brown which is called "old blood" (that happens at the beginning and end of your period).

What does it mean if you have Very light period and now spotting thick dark blood?

in most cases that means your pregnant. in others it could be a hormonal imbalance that causes your period to be shorter and sometimes have clumps.

Why is the blood very dark at the beginning of the period?

poopy normally does it

Why do you need light to see?

Are eyes have dark blood and when light shines on it makes the blood turn light which let's us see.

Should your blood be dark or light?

Oxygenated blood is bright red and deoxygenated blood is darker red.

Is period blood real blood?

About every month a woman gets rid of an egg from her womb (period) and the 'blood' that is expelled during a period is the old "blood rich" lining of ones womb. At the beginning of a period, the blood looks redder because it is freshly being sloughed off (sliding off, sliding away) from the walls of the uterus. As the period progresses, the blood becomes darker, indicating it is old blood. (Meaning: If a doctor saw bright red blood, it indicates a new "bleed"-- anywhere in the body. Old blood is dark red to light or dark brown, meaning old blood and therefore of less concern unless it is in vomit.)