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they are eather nosy or like you

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Q: What does it mean if a boy asks you if your going out with anyone?
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What does it mean if a boy asks a girl to be their valentine?

They like you

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It means he likes you.

What does it mean when a boy asks for lotion?

he has dry skin.

What does it mean when someone asks you are you guys a couple now?

There Sayin Are Yhoo Two Going Out. Are Yhoo Boy Friend And Girl Friend XD

What does it mean if a guy asks you if you are going out with a boy?

He's either just curious or he wants to check whether he might have a chance. When he asks, simply answer and then ask back "why are you asking?" It will be obvious if it's not just curiosity.

When a boy asks about you what does that mean?

it probably means he likes you lol

What does it mean when a girl asks for a boy's tie at a dance?


What if you are going out with a boy and he asks another girl out?

brek up wth him asap

What does it mean when a girl asks if your getting the bus to a boy?

It means she is catching the bus to see a boy.