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It means he has a MASSIVE crush on you.

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Q: What does it mean if a boy smiles and waves at you a lot during class and stares at you?
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Why is a girl acting more different around you than she used to she is more quiet and shy and tries to avoid you at times but still stares smiles and waves when she sees you?

she realized that she likes you..

Does a guy like you if he throws bottle caps at you and smiles and waves and stares at you during church and hugs you before you leave or is he just being friendly?

If a guy was just throwing bottle caps at you, then he thinks your ugly, now if he smiles and waves that might still be the case, or just trying to get your attention, if he stares at you during church, then he's into you. Hugging is can be both a friendly thing, and a loveing thing. Now if you have never talk to him, I find that kind of weird, but it might be his way of saying "I like you" Answer: I think throwing bottle caps at you is immature. If he's throwing them at your head, maybe he secretly hates you and is hoping to injure your eyesight. In a bar, someone secretly from a distance behind me, periodically threw coins at the side of my face. I thought the person hated me. Probably hoped I'd turn sideways at the wrong time so a coin would hit me in the eye.

What does it mean if a boy smiles and waves at you?

if hes barely talked to you before, he may like you

Does a boy like you when he tells you your cute and smiles at you all the time and waves?

there's a chance

Does a guy in my middle school like me Waves and smiles at me every day but I'm not sure?

Yes :)

What does it mean 5th grade boy looks at you and smiles and waves at a girl?

Really? Your in fifth grade, it means nothing!

What does that mean if the guy you like sometimes says hi to you and waves and smiles in a weird way but sometimes only stares at you and his way of saying hi to you is different?

It means he most likely likes you and might feel uncomfortable at times it usually means that something is keeping him from expressing his like towards her. So whats best is to confront him because he might be shy.

There is a girl in my comedy class at college we sit across from each other i see her glancing at me and looking away when i look back at her she smiles and waves when i see her does she like me?

well, i am only fifteen (not that i think I'm little but i bet you do) but i'd say definatley yes.

How do you know a boy likes you does he like smiles at you and waves?

He probably does like you, either that or he thinks of you as a close friend, but i would say he likes you.

How are compression and transverse waves the same?

Here is a good site for learning about waves. Hope it helps.

How can you tell if the girl you like secrectly likes you but can't talk to you?

She looks at you a lot. She talks about you to her friends. She smiles at you. She waves at you. That's all I know

How can you tell if he likes you or not?

Well, first u have 2 look and see if he ever stares at u... don't stare at him constantly to see if he is going 2 stare at u, otherwise he is going 2 think that u r a CREEP! Just peek over your shoulder once every few minutes, if u meet his eyes just smile and wave :) if he waves back that MIGHT be a sign! Also, after class or wherever your at, go up 2 him and just start a small conversation, if he answers sweetly and smiles while talks... then YEP! U got a LOVER! :)