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While it's not easy to say, he might want his ex-girlfriend back or he may just not like you. Additionally, he may also still be interested in her, so proceed with caution.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy tells his ex girlfriend about you?
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What does it mean when a guy tells you he likes you but goes back with his ex-girlfriend?

It means it's time to find a new man... :(

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it mean he still has feelings for you!! :P

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Answer Maybe he''s leading you on especially if he has a girlfriend already. Maybe its time for you to move on and forget this guy.

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He probably got his feelings back for her

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well there's nothing to be worried about. well if it were me it would probably mean that that certain guy may still have a little something going on between him and his ex

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If she tells you.

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AnswerIt sucks, and they'll probably talk about you a lot. But it's not the end of the world. Maybe you and your ex-girlfriend can become friends again. No way Man. You be screwed the ex tells the why of the breakup & she'll even lie to make you out to be the bad guy.

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it means he left her.

What does it mean when an ex tells his girlfriend about you and how the relationship ended?

It means that the ex is trying to be open with his current girl friend. It also means that he is trying to improve from the last relationship.

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Move along!

What does it mean for a guy to dream about his ex girlfriend with a new boyfriend?

The dream indicates that the dreamer remains emotionally attached to the ex-girlfriend and has not yet completely accepted the fact of their break-up. The dream does not provide any information about the ex-girlfriend's thoughts or feelings, or anything about her new relationships.

What does it mean when a guy avoids his ex-girlfriend in front of his current girlfriend?

Obvoiusly, he doesn't like you anymore. He would think it would be akward to have his current girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend around at the same time. I mean put yourself in his shoes, if you have a boyfriend, and your ex-boyfriend is hanging around, wouldn't that be quite akward? I would think so. Try to aviod them; find a new man.