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Q: What does it mean if a male hamster has dark red testicles?
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What does it mean when your hamster has swollen on both sides of its body it has doubled in size?

If you mean at either side of its head, this is the hamster's cheek pouches, which extend back to the animal's neck and shoulders. In these pouches, it can store food to carry back to its nest. When the pouches are full, the hamster's head looks like it has tripled in size.

Does the male hamster use protection?

No, they don't make hamster condoms (if thats what you mean)

My mail dwarf hamster has larger lumps on its stomach what does that mean?

It likely means that maybe your male hamster is not a male,its a female and she is pregnant

What does it mean if a young hamster has a swollen rear end?

If it is female, it means she is in heat. If it is male, maybe worms are the culprit. If it is a male it could be his testicles. They usually just appear all of a sudden when they become sexually mature and can sometimes be huge and could look like a swollen butt.

What does testacials mean?

I think you are refering to testicles, which are the male part of mammals that produce sperm and male hormones such as testosterone.

What does it mean when your female hamster has balls?

That your female hanster is a male hamster The pet store gave u 1 f***** up hamster

Are hamster dad use leas?

ya...? sure is it...coz if ur hamster has mate with the female hamster will not mate anymore..i mean when baby was born will not mate anymore...bcoz male hamster tyhink that ios the female ehamster born with other male hamster

What does it mean if a horse is castrated?

It means the male horse has his testicles removed. He is now a gelding and can not breed.

What does emmaculate mean?

You may mean immaculate, which means in extremely clean condition, or you may mean emasculate which means to remove the testicles of a male animal.

What does your balls mean?

Depending on the context of this statement it can mean different things. If the person saying it is a friend, or you are in a causal situation, it most likely refers to a male's testicles. A male's testicles are often refereed to as "balls" because of there shape. Or it could also mean, simply your balls, such as tennis balls. Generally those are the two most used meanings.

What does it mean if a male hamster has a swollen buttocks?

unless the tail is wet, that could be fine. its just the way his/her butt is

What does it mean when a hamster a no hair around its eye and it's squinting and it is dark around it's eye?

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